Serrans take part in many vocations-related activites. Read about some of the unique programs below:

Serra Monstrance for Vocations

Serra Monstrance for Vocations

On November 24th, 2004 Pope John Paul II blessed six monstrances one for each of the six continents of the world. These monstrances were blessed to encourage prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Serra in Canada was later given the opportunity to obtain a monstrance, blessed by Pope Benedict, for its own use.

The inscription on the base of the monstrance reads,
“Blessed by Pope Benedict XVI
Wednesday March 1st, 2006
Serra International Canada Council/Conseil Canadien”.

Serra Canada’s goal is to have the monstrance travel across Canada visiting parishes, convents, chapels and other places, wherever Catholics gather to pray. Since vocations are one of our greatest needs, we pray to the Lord that our prayers will be answered.

The Monstrance has been made available to all Serra Clubs in Canada. It has been used for for several Holy Hours for Vocations and was used for the Holy Hour at the District 26 Fall Conference on September 29, 2007. It has traveled from coast to coast in Canada, and is in constant demand.

Bulletin Vocation Inserts
“Vocation Seeds”

Serra’s “Vocation Seeds” are timely Parish Bulletin inserts corresponding to the theme of the Sunday. They have been approved for the Archdiocese of Toronto and have been welcomed by many busy Pastors and are being widely used. The bulletin inserts are sent by email to all the churches in the Archdiocese. However, we find that an approach to the Pastor by a faithful and active parishioner (usually a Serran) is most effective in ensuring that the inserts will appear in the bulletin. Inserts have been prepared for cycles A, B and C of the Liturgical Calendar. A sample bulletin insert (for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time – January 25, 2015) is given below.

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time – January 25, 2015
“The call of the disciples is so familiar to us that we tend to miss the wonder of the disciples’ response, which was immediate and complete; they leave everything and follow Jesus. Could God be calling you to be a priest, deacon, brother or sister in order to help our world of today to truly “prepare the way of the Lord”?

If God is calling you, contact Fr. Chris Lemieux, Vocation Director, Archdiocese of Toronto

Download Vocation Seeds in MS Word format.

Breviaries for Seminarians

In Toronto, the annual Ordinandi dinner purchases breviary sets for each new seminarian. This idea started when Fr. Charles Anang, Vice Rector at St. Augustine’s Seminary, requested support in providing breviary sets to some seminarians that could not afford one. From the letter sent with the breviary set:

As you journey in faith towards ordination, we at Serra International want to acknowledge your commitment and dedication to your vocation, and to our Roman Catholic Faith. Your decision is a brave and challenging one in the context of our secular society today.

We thank you for your perseverance, and we express our sincere appreciation to you for answering affirmatively to this most noble and rewarding call to serve in the Good Lord’s Church. We thank you also for permitting yourself to be an example to all, especially our youth, of the strengths to be found within our faith, and of the rewards that await a life dedicated to the service of our Lord, and our fellow man.

Serra International is especially proud to celebrate your vocation journey and will always be available to assist you along your way with our prayers and support. We hope that you will find in this breviary a daily opportunity to renew and strengthen your relationship with our Good Lord, and His calling.

Rosaries for Vocations

In October 2003, the Toronto West Club commenced daily rosaries for vocations. Each day, participating members pray one decade of the rosary. Each member has a 20-month schedule which covers the 20 decades of the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. A given decade is recited each day for an entire month and the decades are assigned so that each day 2 complete Rosaries are said. In addition members are encouraged to add the Serra Prayer for Vocations, as well as the following Prayer for Vocations, to their daily recitation.


God of all creation, in Baptism you called each one of us by name to be your children. We give you thanks and praise for this gift. May the good news of Jesus Christ which inspired the first disciples to come and see continue to speak in our world today. Bless the Archdiocese of Toronto with men and women who will answer your call to speak your word as priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers. We make this prayer through Jesus Your Son and our Lord and Brother forever and ever, Amen.