Diocese and Bishop
Diocese of Hamilton – Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI
Meeting Times and Location
The Kitchener-Waterloo Serra Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month at St. Teresa’s Church, 44 Leonard St., Kitchener. The Holy Hour for Vocations begins at 5:00 PM is followed by Mass at 6:00 PM. The meeting continues with a meal and speaker. On the third Wednesday we plan parish visits to promote prayers for vocations. Members are kept informed by e-mail as to the location of parish visits.
What’s K-W Serra All About
Download a PowerPoint Presentation with more information
The Kitchener-Waterloo Serra Club held its 23rd annual golf day for our diocesan priests on Monday June 5th, 2017 at Brookfield Golf and Country Club. Here are pictures of some of the golfers attending the event.
The Club will hold its 24rd annual golf day for our diocesan priests on Monday June 4th, 2018 at Brookfield Golf and Country Club. All Serra clubs are invited to join us for this great day. Please e-mail Lee Hishon, ljhishon@gmail.com.
On May 18, the K-W Serra club presented seventy-six servers with medals. Bishop Ustrzycki celebrant and Chaplain Fr. Toby Collins CR homilist, thanked the servers for their service in their parishes. The bishop hoped they would continue to serve particularly when they are in high school and beyond. The servers are pictured here in two groups. Thanks to Fr. Allen Varlaki pastor and the staff at St. Anthony Daniel parish Kitchener for their wonderful accommodation of this event.
Six diocesan priests joined us for our annual Priest Ski day. Included was one priest from Barrie. Apres Ski was hosted by Jim and Sandy Beingessner. It was a great day for skiing as the weather cooperated.

We are pleased to welcome our new Chaplain Fr. Dan Lobsinger CR. Fr. Dan is currently vocation director for the CR’s and Associate Pastor at St. Mary’s Parish in downtown Kitchener. He was formerly the pastor at St. Agatha Parish in St. Agatha.

List of Officers
- Interim President: Bill Zister – bzister@hotmail.com
- V.P. Programs: Bill Zister
- V.P. Membership: Bill Zister
- V.P. Communications – Lee J. Hishon – ljhishon@gmail.com
- Acting Secretary – Noreen Hishon – ljhishon@gmail.com
- Treasurer – Lou Reitzel – Carolereitzel@hotmail.com
- Trustee – Mary Steffler – mugsy@rogers.com
- Trustee – Darlene Lustic – dmlustic@kw.igs.net
- Trustee – Carole Reitzel – Carolereitzel@hotmail.com
- Trustee – Noreen Hishon – ljhishon@gmail.com
- Past President – Bill Zister – bzister@hotmail.com
- Chaplain – Fr. Marian Gil – mariangil@icloud.com