- Go back to old fashion contact: Write a letter to a seminarian, one a week for 4 weeks. Send physical letters; they are more personal than e-mails
- Consecrate your Club to Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Keep recruiting. Contact local Pastors, especially those who have a heart for vocations, and ask for prospective members.
- Have a virtual wine and cheese to recruit prospective members
- Stay in touch with club members, Pastors and Priests by phone. Every Parish in your Diocese should know Serra.
- Encourage members to reach out to each other
- Continue having Board meetings via Zoom, GoToMeeting or by Free Conference Call.
- Continue planning for activities for the year
- Installation of officers is important; do not drop it. Make it virtual if necessary.
- Present Condensed Talks/topics from Serra Rally into 20 to 25- minute presentations for virtual meetings
- Continue the Seven Serrans prayer teams for Vocation Directors
- Reach out to Club members via Zoom, listen to them. Compile a list of activities for the local diocese.
- Set up a Club platform in Zoom or GoToMeeting so members can see each other. Note: The person who has the platform must be able to help other club members with the program so that the members can be assisted in joining the meetings.
- Continue adoration if your diocese has a location that is currently open
- Use materials found in the Handbook for Serrans and in the Manual on the Call to Holiness in meetings via technology
- Focus activities on supporting the promotion of vocations in the family, the domestic church
- Continue monthly contacts with members by phone calls, newsletter
- Remind officers of the deadline of reports, keep a regular, though adapted, club schedule going
- Encourage members to attend Holy Hour on-line
- Visit the http://Serraus.org or https://serracanada.com/ website, and watch inspiring talks, or listen to the Pope’s inspirational message to Serrans.
- Encourage members to join the Serra International monthly Rosary for Vocations, the last Saturday of every month.
- Always Forward Never Back is a good resource for new ideas. Make sure all members are signed up to receive this resource.
- Do fun things for priests like sending a video with message of support and gratitude.
- Remind Club President to continue holding Board meetings
- Divide officers to call Serrans to see how they are doing and to keep in touch
- Clubs must reach out to priests. Especially those in remote, rural communities.
- Share your special club activities in response to the Corona Virus with other Clubs
- Do a stay at home catechesis for the club once a month. There are lesson plans available. Meet weekly.
- Keep thinking of vocations and how your club can uniquely support and affirm them.
- Do something for the priests like taking them meals or sending gift cards.
- Pray the rosary for Vocation Directors.
- Invite Serrans to pray the Special Corona Novena for Vocations during the Corona Virus. Pray the prayer from Pope Francis https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2020-03/pope-francis-prayer-our-lady-protection-coronavirus.html
- Call your club chaplain and ask for spiritual direction and inspiration. Ask him to send out regular prayers and meditations.
- Webinars are good, keep us connected. Use them more.
- Send cards to priests, sisters, seminarians, retired priests.
- Send a personal letter of support to your Bishop. (e-mail not recommended for this step.)
- Make sure to attend USA Council or Serra Canada training webinars.
- Send Spiritual Bouquet to the Bishop, priests, seminarians, religious. Count the prayers.
- District Governors, have a monthly District meeting with a speaker, invite all club members.
- Review the SerraSpark.org website for new ideas for this coming year. Implement at least one new program.
- Keep your focus on Jesus.
- Send out uplifting messages to members and priests on a regular basis
- Start a virtual 31 club with your parish.
- Club officers, brainstorm with other officers of area Serra clubs.
- Get members organized and keep them informed
- Share the positive values of Serra’s mission with others.
- Send letters of support to those who are scheduled to be ordained as deacons and priests this year.
- Communication is now most important.
48 Ideas your Serra Club can do today to stay active and strengthen your Club during the COVID-19 shut-down