A Catholic lay organization for promotion of vocations
Serra Club of Halton
Diocese and Bishop
Diocese of Hamilton – Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI, DD Auxiliary Bishop Wayne Lobsinger. VG, EV
Meeting Times and Location
The Serra Club of Halton meets on the third Tuesday of every month from September to June. We meet at St Gabriels’s Church, 2261 Parkway Drive, Burlington, ON L7P 1S9, with Mass at 6:30 pm. followed by a meal, a guest speaker and a short business meeting. Our Club chaplain is Fr. Paul Patrick, OMI.
Locations of the Vocations Mass in Halton parishes
October 9, 2021 – Holy Cross, Georgetown November 6, 2021 – St. Raphael, Burlington December 11, 2021 – St. Matthew, Oakville January 15, 2022 – St. Paul the Apostle, Burlington February 12, 2022 – Holy Rosary, Burlington March 12, 2022 – St. Gabriel, Burlington April 9, 2022 – St. Benedict, Milton May, 2022 – tbd. June 11, 2022 – St. Andrew, Oakville
Welcome to the Serra Family in Halton, Ontario
The Serra Club of Halton Region was Chartered on September 13, 2012, with Bishop Douglas Crosby OMI, Presiding. This is the third Serra Club in the Diocese of Hamilton. We have been blessed with the full confidence and support of Bishop Crosby and his Auxiliary Bishop Wayne Lobsinger, who is currently the Director of Vocations and Priestly Formation for the diocese and who proposed the monthly Vocations Mass.
Like many other organizations we have responded to the pandemic from April 2020 onwards by becoming proficient in the use of electronic communication: regular emails to maintain communication with our members, weekly rosary, monthly meetings of the Executive committee, and monthly virtual meetings of all our members when we were unable to have distanced meetings and mass in the church. For almost 2 years we have had to curtail Serra visits to parishes, have been unable to hold annual Altar Servers Awards in the Cathedral of Christ the King, and have had to curtail our very successful and popular Annual Golf Day for priests, seminarians and religious. We hope and pray that we will begin to get these activities back into full swing in 2022. One activity that has not ceased is for all priests and permanent deacons in the Halton Deanery to receive each year a card and message recognizing their Ordination anniversary. Our members receive a weekly listing of of the names and anniversary details reminding them to pray for those priests and deacons on those days.
The pandemic has not curtailed our most important activity, to pray for vocations.
Serra Halton BBQ, July 13, 2023
Serra Club of Halton 2022 Golf Tournament
List of Officers
President – Regina Choromanskis (regina45@sympatico.ca)