Diocese and Bishop
His Grace Francis Leo, Archbishop of Toronto
2024 Altar Server Awards
The club held its annual Serra Bishop’s Altar Server awards at St. Clare of Assisi Church in Woodbridge and 123 altar servers were recognized and thanked for their service to the altar. These Altar Servers were nominated by their Pastors to receive their award and the Mass was celebrated by Bishop John Boissonneau, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto for the Northern Region.
2022 Northern Pastoral Region Advent Day of Recollection
Main Ordinandi Dinner Page
2023 Ordinandi Dinner
2022 Ordinandi Dinner
2021 Ordinandi Dinner
2020 Ordinandi Dinner
2019 Ordinandi Dinner
2018 Ordinandi Dinner
Meeting Times and Location
Club meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Basilicata Cultural Society of Canada, 28 Roytec Rd. Suite 15 Woodbridge, ON, 905-850-1040. (Roytec is located 1 set of lights south of Langstaff and runs east off Weston Rd). Meetings begin with Mass at noon followed by lunch and a speaker. The meeting usually ends at 1:30 pm. Speakers range from priests to religious and lay people who talk on vocations and other topics of interest to Catholics.
An average of 35 members.
Annual Dues
Annual dues $300 which include cost of meals and membership fees for Serra International.
Annual Club Activities
Participate in annual Toronto Serra Club events:
- Ordinandi Dinner
- Altar Server awards
- Day of Recollection for Priests
- Priest Appreciation Dinner
- Priest Ordination Anniversary Cards
- Retired Priests’ Luncheons and
- Local Bishop’s luncheons for the clergy in his area.
List of Officers
- PRESIDENT – Mario Biscardi – mariobiscardi@sympatico.ca
- VP PROGRAMS – Antonella Nardulli-Nigro – emeraldgreen@rogers.com
- VP VOCATIONS – Jack Landolt – jplandolt9@gmail.com
- VP MEMBERSHIP – Connie Cristinziano – ccristinziano@rogers.com
- SECRETARY – Vacant
- SECRETARY-TREASURER – Fred Conway – fjconway@rogers.com
- PAST PRESIDENT – Pat Tremamunno – pat@ggdltd.com
- TRUSTEE – Joseph Gianna – joegianna42@gmail.com
- TRUSTEE – Frank Santarsia – franksantarsia@hotmail.com
- TRUSTEE – Vince Primucci – vprimucci@gmail.com
List of Presidents of Toronto Central Serra Club
- 2019-22 Pat Tremamunno
- 2016-19 Joe Gianna
- 2014-16 Jim Gennaro
- 2012-14 Marino Moscone
- 2010-12 Jerry Hayes
- 2008-10 Celeste Iacobelli
- 2006-08 George Damiani
- 2004-06 Mario Biscardi
- 2003-04 Vivien Grignano
- 2001-03 Victoria Damiani
- 1999-2001 Mario Biscardi
- 1996-99 Vince Primucci
- 1994-96 Tony Grignano
- 1992-94 Mario Biscardi
- 1991-92 Frank Ciccolini
- 1990-91 Freda Santonato
- 1989-90 Joe Argier
- 1987-89 George Damiani
- 1984-87 Mario Biscardi