Diocese and Bishop
Archdiocese of Toronto – His Grace, Francis Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto
Meeting Times and Location
Club meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month and start with Mass in St. Basil’s Church at 12:05 pm and then proceed to a buffet lunch and presentation in the lower level of the Church.
Our featured guest speakers inform us on topics of interest or concern to Catholics. Speakers range from Bishops, Priests, Seminarians, representatives of the Catholic School System, Catholic Youth Organizations etc. The presentations have the objective of encouraging and affirming vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life as well as assisting members in the growth and formation of their Catholic faith.
Visitors welcome. For reservations contact Anne at 416-964-8694.
The Board of Trustees meet every six weeks.
Adult men and women, both single and married who have a desire to support and pray for vocations.
We currently have approximately 25 members. New members are always welcome. We invite potential members to participate in 2-3 meetings in order to discern whether they would like to join.
Annual Dues
Annual club dues are $250 which can be paid over two instalments. This includes the cost of meals at all regular Club meetings, Serra Canada Council fees and membership in Serra International. We also host a Summer Social (usually our last meeting before we break for summer holidays) and a Christmas social in December. These socials are free for members. Guests pay a nominal fee to cover the cost of food and drinks.
Club Activities
Altar Server Awards
This is an annual event, usually held in October, where we invite Pastors in Toronto to identify altar servers in their parish who have performed their duties in an exemplary fashion. We recognize these young people at a special Mass where medals are bestowed by Bishop Kasun of the Central Region. Serrans organize the Mass and host a light reception following the award ceremony. In 2023, approximately 120 altar servers were recognized at St. Paul’ s Basilica. In 2024, 108 Altar Servers we recognized and awarded.
Eucharistic Adoration for Vocations
Eucharistic Adoration for Vocations, with exposition of the Holy Sacrament, is conducted on the First Friday of each month at St. Basil’s Parish, following the 12:10pm Mass.
Vocations Fair
This is an event initiated by the Serra Club of Toronto Downtown in 2007. Various Religious Orders and lay communities are invited to set up information booths at the host parish and make themselves available after all Saturday and Sunday Masses to explain their particular charism. Invited speakers give vocations related homilies. Parishioners and high school students in the area are invited to attend.
Priest Portrait Program
This program encourages young men to consider a priestly vocation by providing a portrait of a newly ordained priest to his former high school. If possible, the newly ordained priest celebrates Mass for the students.
List of Officers
- President – Anne McQueen
- President Elect – Tony Stanco
- Past president – Dane MacCarthy
- Secretary – Antony MacGinnis
- Treasurer – Tony Ercolani
- Program VP – Neil MacCarthy
- Communications VP – Antony MacGinnis
- Membership VP – Anne MacCarthy
- Vocations VP – Tony Stanco
- Trustee – Brian Green
- Trustee – Anna Migliore
- Chaplain – Fr. Matthew McCarthy